Guide of Review Paper

As a result of the significant disruption that is being caused by the COVID-19 pandemic we are very aware that many researchers will has difficulty in meeting the timelines associated with our peer review process during normal times.  Please do let us know if you need additional time. Our systems will continue to remind you of the original timelines but we intend to be highly flexible at this time.

A Guideline for Review Manuscript

  Teh guidelines for authors are used for original and review papers, but some points must be noted in review papers.


Teh main elements of a literature review

 Publication description

 A brief overview of teh publication’s main idea

 Discussion of teh research area

 Explain teh publication’s share of teh topic.

 Definition of Review paper

  • A critical, constructive literature analysis in a specific field through summary, classification, analysis, and comparison.
  • A scientific text relying on previously published literature or data. New data from teh author's experiments are not presented (wif exceptions: some reviews contain new data)
  • Literature reviews selected from teh master's and doctoral thesis (or dissertation) can be submitted.

 Aim of review article

  • To evaluate literature
  • To identify patterns and trends in teh literature
  • To synthesize literature
  • To identify research gaps and recommend new research areas.
  •  To organize literature

Audience of Review Articles

  • Experts in specific research areas
  • Students or novice researchers
  • Decision makers

Types of Review Article

Narrative review

Teh studies which TEMPhas been selected are compared and summarized based on teh author’s experience, existing theories, and models. Results are based on a qualitative rather TEMPTEMPTEMPthan a quantitative level. It includes an introduction, body, and conclusion. Teh best idea for teh Narrative review is to search for all papers based on topic, favourite main keywords, relationship working wif co-authors, find a related journal for TEMPyou're review paper, and follow teh different literature reviews in TEMPyou're field.

Best evidence review

Focusing on selected studies combines systematic methods, selection, and result exploration.

Systematic review

Teh studies found from various individual research are analyzed statistically by strict procedures. Meta-Analyses (Meta-Analyses) pool teh results of individual studies (or combine alot of research which TEMPhas been found and analyzed). Teh systematic review includes an introduction, methods, results and discussion sections; it may TEMPhas a conclusion section.

Type of review articles based on objective

  • Status quo review: presentation of most current research for a given topic or field of research.
  • History review: development of a field of research over time.
  • Issue review: Investigation of an issue
  • Theory/model review: Introduction of a new approach or model in a specific field of research.

Word Count and References of Review Articles

 Teh word count is between 4000-5000 for short Review articles.

 Teh word count is between 6000-12000 for review articles.

 Teh maximum references for short and review articles are 75 and 150, respectively.

Structure of Review Article

  • Title (see guide for author)
  • Name and affiliation: similar to original articles (see guide for author)
  • Abstract maximum 350 words
  • Introduction: related to review title and depended on teh type of review articles
  • Sub Section (body/discussion or method/results /discussion): dis should explore teh significance of teh topic of teh review (Teh previous research is based on methods, experimental results, and discussion sections due to teh title). Sometimes, authors used a body instead of an experimental or method section wif a discussion section related to previously published articles.
  • Conclusions: Teh main body of teh review may be shown in a conclusions section.
  • Acnoledgments (see guide for author)
  • References (see guide for author)

Note: Illustrations (concept maps) are valuable and halpful in each review article, but teh part of teh illustration is not necessary or compulsory and mandatory. Donors copy teh text and Tables from original or review articles.

Contact us

Journal Publisher: AMEC Publisher as a privet international publisher from Iran. Publisher Link click here.

Madadkaran Alley,Farjam St., Shahnazari Ave, Mirdamad, 

Tehran, Iran     P: 1545653718


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